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Palmers is Austrias largest textile group. With exclusive stockings and lingerie Palmers is also very succesful internationally.


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The group employs 1860 people and has 216 branches in Austria and other countires. Palmers is Europes largest seller of lingerie.
1914 the first Palmers-shop was founded in Innsbruck, Austria. 1936 the first franchise-shop was founded. After WW II Palmers started to expand in Autria with 45 shops.
1992 the Palmers Textil AG was founded, as holder of the operative business of the Palmers brand.

At the moment, Palmers Textil AG has 55 branches in Vienna and 62 more throughout Austria. In addition, there are 178 shops in whole Austria.

This makes Palmers Austrias largest textile-group.

Since 1995 Palmers is established in Germany and has 62 shops there. Palmers is cooperating with Otto-Versand in Germany. Shop here!
Palmers is a well known brand name internationally: there are 37 boutiques in Greece, Italy, Turkye, Slovenia, Poland, Hungary, Croatia, Bulgaria, Czech Republic and Slovak Republic, making Palmers number one in lingerie throughout Europe.
Palmers is notoriously known for their sexy placard campaigns, causing scandals as well as traffic jams and car accidents!
  Many famous models have been working for Palmers:  
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