
Get paid to surf! It really works!

What is it about?
You can make cash for just being online and surfing the internet with this programs - NO hidden costs for you, NO need to buy anything, NO need to enter any club, it's really just surfing and getting paid for it!

How does it work?
You download a program that will show an "adbar" on your computer that will display various advertisements. Most of them will track if you are actively surfing (moving your mouse, clicking, using your browser), some of them only demand to be online, but not necessary to surf the internet.

How much money?
You won't be able to stop working and waiting for the cash pouring in from alone. But you can make a little extra income - especially when you refer friends. When you refer friends, you get paid for their online time, too - and when they refer more friends, you will get paid for them being online, too! There is a difference in referral levels between the various programs.


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Get Paid TO Surf
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International Programs
for German/Austrian Programs click here!

Spedia.net - maybe the best program

Download the spedia.bar and get paid for actively surfing - in addition, spedia.net will offer you the possibility to sign up for various programs - many of them free of charge, and you will get paid for signing up as well. You can also choose to get paid for receiving e-mails, for shopping and playing games.

Refer friends, spedia offers payment for referrals five levels deep!

Spedia has developed a Shop Online Assistant that allows members to gain access to a list of well-established e-commerce channels. When you visit Affiliate Programs, a pop-up window will appear on your screen. To enter the Sweepstakes, please click on the "Go Spedia" button. Every time you visit an affiliate site using one of the provided links, you will get one entry for the 10,000 Point Affiliate Sweepstakes (up to 50 entries per drawing per registered member). Drawings will be administered weekly.



When you download and start the so-called "ProfitZone", you don't even have to actively surf - you just have to be online to be paid for watching ads.
You will be logged out about every 15-35 minutes and have to press "continue" to log in again (this is to avoid abuse, obviously)

You have to select your payment method and your payment minimum amount to receive payment, so don't forget to do that!

There is NO MAXIMUM time per month with this program, and you get paid for referrals 6 levels deep.

Payment is not per hour, but by percentage of revenues of DesktopDollars - when they make more money, you will make more money as well.

And you get paid for your referrals even if you don't use the ProfitZone yourself!



gotoworld offers two possibilities to earn money - the MiniPortal that shows ads, and the Get Paid Instant Messenger where you get paid for chatting! It is similar to the AOL messenger or icq - just you get paid to use it!

There are three referral levels, and as of February 1, 2000, the GoToWorld.com Get Paid Program is available for residents of the U.S., Canada, United Kingdom and Australia. Payment is made when your account reaches a minimum of USD 75,-



As with the other programs, you download a program that displays banners on a small bar (the Cashbar), and you get paid for watching the ads when you are online.

And you get paid 10% for your referrals as well.

The minimum pay-out is USD 20,- for US residents, and USD 40,- for international users.



You download the advertbar and watch the banners - just like with the other programs. There are 5 referral levels. For your referrals, you can't earn more hours than you surf yourself, so you have to use the advertbar yourself!
Depending on your screen resolution, you have either a Single Banner, or a Double Banner adbar.

Max hours/month: USA: 50 hours DoubleBanner, 90 hours SingleBanner
payment: $0,18/hour Double, $0,10/hour Single
non-US: 50 hours DoubleBanner, 87 hours SingleBanner
payment: $0.07/hour Double, $0.04/hour Single



Get paid to search - and refer others. Just sign up and put the search box on your webpage. You are paid $0.06 each time they click through from your site.




There is NO MAXIMUM time you can use the UniqueSurfBar (in contrary to the other programs), and there are 6 referral levels paid.

Payment rates depend on unique.surfs profits, should be around 0,70$ / hour

It also offers a "QuickBar". By using the QuickBar you don't even have to use a downloaded program, it just opens a small browser window to display the ads there.

This program might turn out as one of the best soon - IF they ever get out of the testing phase



This program is available international. Payment in USD-checks. Maximum is 75hours/month, and you have to surf actively and you have to click on some ads to be paid (A member's active status is defined by maintaining a 0.5 to 5 percent response rate on the ads)
You will also get paid for your referrals even if you don't use the Advertbar yourself.

In case your Advertbar does not work - try downloading the newest version!



This program works in a different way. You download a small program, and from time to time, there will be an ad you have the possibility to watch and get paid for, or decline if you are not interested.

Minimum payout is USD 20,- and there are 2 referral levels.

You don't have to surf with this, just be online and wait for the ads to show up.



With this program, you get paid to watch ads on your screensaver, instead of being paid for surfing the internet.

Payment is six referral levels deep,

Still in testing, not yet available, but you can start to build referrals already!

Availability is guaranteed in the U.S. and in Canada. International availability of WaveVu's program is a complex question apparently involving international trade laws. Our lawyers and accountants are studying the problem country by country and we will advise our users when we know more clearly where we stand on this issue. In the meantime, it is a good idea to start building up your referral base in order to get a head start in your country developing WaveVu.


What is the best program?
That depends on what you want, how long you are online - check below and find out which program suits your needs best!

Why would anybody pay you "money for nothing"?
Where does the money come from.Simple - the money comes from the companies placing the ads in your advert-bar. When you sign up, you will be asked for your interests, and the ads will correspond to your interests then. So you are a "quality viewer" of the ads, and companies are paying for that (compare that with a TV-spot - millions of people are watching, but only some of them are really interested in the spots)



Want to earn some cash without efforts? For just being online and surfing the internet?


In Association with Amazon.com

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