
get paid to surf
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on the net

The studios have learned that the fate of a new movie is often decided on the internet - long before it's released or even finished!
The "Blair Witch"-Hype told them this lesson. And now, when you are connected, you have the chance to see trailers, pictures and interviews while movies are still in production.

Here are some must-see sites for the movie-freak, and down below some official studio-pages - check out there what's coming soon!

(or just use a search engine to find what you are looking for!):

One of the most popular pages:
The official page to the Star Wars saga!

The official Lord Of The Rings page -
lots of information and goodies!

The official Blade Runner online magazine.


While you are surfing, you could get paid for it.
Sign up with spedia.net
Movie Scripts!

The other movie scripts!
Don't read if you don't like it when somebody makes fun of your favourite movie!
Shadows of the cinematographer on the wall? Mysteriously changing footwear? You find it here!

More of the fun - Useless Movie Quotes

Mr. Showbiz - News, Rumours, Gossip

The Internet Movie Database. Everything you want to know about movies, you'll find it here!
Movie-Web Movie Listings. Another online database.

(Movie-poster archive)

Here you find lots of movie posters - the site is in German, but there are not many words, just pictures ;-)


Arnold Schwarzenegger - his official homepage.
Not only about movies - great page! Hi- or LoTech
version available!

Gorgeous actresses - biographies, filmographies, and lots of pictures!


Check out the worst movies ever - avoid them at all cost!





Universal Studios Homepage - very cool high-tech Flash-site!

Disney Studios - Everything you can imagine is here, and more.


Warner Bros - Movies & Entertainment

Paramount-Studios - Movies & more


MGM - Studios, Home of "James Bond" & more

Columbia Tristar Pictures - now owned by Sony


20th Century Fox Homepage - check out movies that are released now, or in the near future!







Allinclusive Suchmaschineneintrag
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