How to find and download music, but also videos (mpegs, avis) or pictures (jpegs) from the Internet

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One great thing is you can find a lot of free stuff in the www - one of it is free songs! Most songs you will find as mp3-files, but you can also find mpeg or avi-videos, or jpg pictures with some of the following programs!




The classic. You may know it from the news - unfortunately, you can't get every song you are looking for for free anymore due to court rules.

"As we continue to comply with the District Court's injunction, some searches are not returning results and many files are not being shared. Napster's filters are constantly being changed to more effectively exclude music the copyright holders want blocked, and that frequently results in other music being excluded as well.
Our engineers are working hard on brand new song identification technologies that will enable us to pay artists and songwriters when we move to the new service this summer. Your ongoing use of the service helps in the development and testing of these technologies. Thanks for supporting Napster and music file sharing. "


Another fine program to download music. But with iMesh, you can get much more - especially videos and pictures of your favourite groups - even whole movies if you are lucky! And you can continue downloads that were interrupted.


Very similar to Napster, but with some advantages - you can download not only mp3's, but also vidoes and other files, and you can continue downloading files when the transfer was interrupted! Go to the download-page here.


Built on Gnutella-technology (another program to share files), it works similar to iMesh.


Another Gnutella-technology program, with a cool design that beats the others.
Works similar to Bearshare or iMesh.






Oops!.. I Did It Again







Some more interesting sites to visit are:

Internet Radio Index


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