Retrieve scientific information from the net!

On the web, you can find information about virtually any topic. And it's published online very quickly - you will find exciting new discoveries here earlier than in any magazines, maybe even earlier than on TV, but for sure in more detail!

If you are looking for science news or information, check out some links below!





The famous National Geographic magazine - you can find information about any kind of topic here: Adventure & Exploration, Archaeology & Paleontology, Environment & Conservation, Medicine & Health, Nature & Wildlife, People & Cultures, Science & Technology, Space

Boston Museum Of Science
The Boston Museum Of Science online - online exhibitions, virtual fishtank ....


Bhutan - Fortress of the Gods.
Awarded "Best Museum-Site Worldwide"in Seattle 2001.
HiTech and LoTech Version, German & English - top Austrian website!

Definitly one of the best science-sites. Sections include: Animals, Dinosaurs, History, Human Behavior, Planet Earth, Space, Tech, Weather. And there are a lot of LIVE-CAMS you can access from there!


Nova Online
TOP Science site! Information from A like AIDS, ASTEROIDS, AVALANCHE, to W like WILD WOLVES. (no idea what happened to XYZ ;0))
ADVENTUREs let you be part of expeditions all over the world




ZOOs online
Are you interested in animals? There are a lot of zoos online, many of them offering webcams beside any kind of information about animals.

Schoenbrunn - Vienna Zoo
Already in the year 1452 the world's first zoo was opened in Vienna.


Lincoln Park Zoo
Located in Chicago, USA, one of the oldest zoos in USA (founded 1868), but amongst the most modern as well.

Oklahoma City Zoological Park
110 acres, nearly 2000 animals, representing more than 500 different species

Oregon Zoo
Offers summer camps for children.

Pittsburgh Zoo
If you are a student who has a research project about animals, you can apply here for a project in the Pittsburgh Zoo!

Three Great Zoos
Melbourne Zoo, Healesville Sanctuary and Werribee Open Range Zoo - Australia

Minnesota Zoo
Shark Cam, Gibbon cam, Dolphins!

Haus des Meeres
(House des Meeres Vivarium)
The House des Meeres Vivarium is located in an old aircraft-defense-tower in the 6th district of Vienna. There are even sharks and a giant sea turtle!

Monterey Bay Aquarium
For those interested in ocean wildlife

New England Aquarium
You can take a virtual tour here.


Waikiki Aquarium
Shark Cam, Virtual tour, galleries

San Diego Zoo
Has a nice Panda-Cam! And on the baby-page you can learn about new arrivals in the zoo! Really nice animal-baby pictures!

Toledo Zoo
More than 4000 animals, Polar Bear Cam, Seal Cam, Hippo Cam

Zoo Zürich
German only - nur Deutsch. Mit Tierlexikon





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