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Tombraider - Lara Croft

Models, The Movie

Tombraider is one of the most succesful computer games - and it's success has a lot to do with the heroine of the game - Lara Croft!
There is even a motion picture in production now - with superstar Angelina Jolie!
For those who love the game, here are pictures of Lara Croft "in real life"! Angelina Jolie as Lara Croft in the coming Tombraider-Movie, and some of the famous Lara Croft-models!

Angelina Jolie
see pictures

Nell McAndrew
see pictures
Rhona Mitra
see pictures

Lucy Clarkson
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Lara Weller
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Vanessa Demouy
see pictures
Tomb Raider II: Classic - get the game for playstation at amazon.com
Tomb Raider 3 Classic - get the game for playstation at amazon.com
Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation - get the game for playstation at amazon.com

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